Supporting Mental Health wellbeing

Providing Mental Health Training and support across Northern ireland

About the company

Mental Health training NI have now rebranded and have been delivering mental health training since 2009.  We are leaders in the delivery of face to face and/or online mental health training offered to participants from a wide variety of organisations including public/private sector, government departments and agencies, post primary schools, non-profit organisations and community groups.

Our focus is on delivering training tailored to the specific context and needs of participants and organisations.

We specialise in providing mental health training programs for organisations striving to create and maintain a culture where it’s okay to talk about mental health wellbeing and encourage those who maybe experiencing mental health issues to get the right appropriate help, with the support of their employer, family and friends.

Participants who attend our training events leave feeling more equipped to notice when they and others might be experiencing mental health issues and how to help source the support they or others may need.



We have ready made workshops that may meet the needs for your organisation and the participants you intend on taking part.

Tier 1 –  Information sharing

60- 90 minute awareness workshops – these are short engaging sessions raising awareness.  These programmes can develop an insight to understanding mental health wellbeing, recognising signs of mental ill health and the importance of how to look after ourselves with shared strategies for mental health wellbeing. These information sessions are aimed at breaking the stigma on talking about mental health

Tier  2 –  Awareness and skilled based courses

Half a day/weekly courses  – these workshops are engaging and interactive.   Level 2 have a deeper insight into mental health wellbeing, skilled based programmes to enhance learning.  During these programmes you will learn skills on how to help ourselves and others, the ability to have compassionate conversations

 Tier 3 – Specialised skills

These include certified courses and those that have been licensed by the Public Health Agency here in Northern Ireland.  These programmes can last 1-2 days and include programmes such as Mental health first aid and ASIST


Do you need help?